ThermoPro Bond

Fiber-reinforced, adhesive and base coat, cement-based mortar for EPS thermal insulation boards
ThermoPro Bond is a fiber-reinforced, one-component cementitious resin mortar. Contains cement, limestone fillers and improving special additives.
It offers excellent adhesion, high mechanical strength and flexibility. The right combination of resins, cellulose and selected aggregates offers the appropriate workability, facilitating the application of the adhesive on substrates with slight unevenness.
It is classified as a GP CS-IV Wc1 rendering mortar according to ΕΝ 998-1.
- Fiber reinforced mortar.
- Thixotropic (with “filling” properties).
- Excellent adhesion to the substrate.
- High mechanical strength and resistance to elastic deformation.
- Resistance to moisture and frost.
- Excellent workability.
- Fine finish.
- Suitable for outdoor & indoor application.
Product Information
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Technical Information
5,5-6L water/25kg
4-6 kg/m²
1-2 hours
Application - Tools
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How to Use
ThermoPro Bond has very good adhesion to all standard substrates such as concrete, bricks, plasters, cement blocks, cement boards, gypsum boards, aerated concrete etc. The substrate must be sound, even, free from loose and foreign parts (e.g. residues of mud, plasters, paints, oils, etc.), without large cracks. Also, the substrate must be stable, free from shrinkage, deformation tensions and vibrations. Light soaking with water before use is recommended. On highly absorbent surfaces (e.g. aerated concrete, gypsum boards) priming is recommended using micromolecular acrylic primer Eco Dur Aqua by KRAFT PAINTS.
In a clean container add 5.5-6 lt of clean water and gradually empty the contents of a 25Kg bag of ThermoPro Bond product. Stirring constantly with a low-speed mixer so that a homogeneous paste is obtained. Allow the mixture to rest for about 5 minutes and repeat stirring for a while. The mixture is ready to use for the next 2.5 hours. It is forbidden to add extra water to correct the workability of the mortar. This will reduce strength and increase shrinkage.
Application as adhesive /Level surfaces: ThermoPro Bond is applied to the thermal insulation board with the smooth side of spatula and then combed with the serrated side in order to be uniformly applied on the whole surface.
Uneven surfaces: ThermoPro Bond is spread with a trowel around the perimeter of the thermal insulation board and on 2-3 center points.
Immediately after the application tools must be cleaned with warm water and soap or a detergent solution. Remove as much material as possible from tools before cleaning.