Mold on ceilings and walls: Problems and solutions

News 29 February 2024
θερμομόνωση ταράτσας για τη μούχλα

Mold on ceilings and walls is an major issue in several Greek houses. It can even be an indication of severe trouble requiring thorough investigation and immediate attention. The most common cause of mold and moisture occurrence in buildings is condensation, often the result of inadequate ventilation in houses experiencing high levels of humidity. This effect is commonly observed in insufficiently ventilated bathrooms, resulting in the accumulation of moisture - hence mold - on walls and ceilings.

Other than the occurrence or humidity and mold in bathrooms, high concentrations of moisture in the rest of the house are often a sign of underlying moisture issues. This may be a structural problem of the building. It is also harmful to the health of residents; according to the World Health Organization, the development of mold may cause or worsen infections of the respiratory system, allergies or asthma. Common symptoms of the above conditions are coughing, catarrh, excessive sneezing; these should be the cause of concern for in-home air quality and humidity levels.

How to remove mold from wall surfaces

Removal of mold from walls requires caution and effective action. The following are a few measures you can implement:

Elimination of the presence of liquids: If mold is caused by moisture, track the source of moisture and eliminate the issue. This can include repair of leakage, improvement of the air pump or using dehumidifier.

Cleaning using disinfectants: Use disinfectant to clean the mold-affected surface. Using a solution such as thinned chlorine cleaner or special disinfectant agent can be helpful as well. Use gloves and provide adequate space ventilation.

Cleaning using vinegar: The properties of vinegar can be put to good use for mold removal. Mix equal quantities of vinegar and water and spread using brush or spray bottle. Allow the solution to work for some time and then wipe the surface of the wall.

Using special mold removers: You may use special products for cleaning of walls and prevent the formation of mold and black stains on walls. To ensure effective use, follow the instructions on product packaging.

Ventilation: Ensure sufficient daily ventilation of the affected space. Proper ventilation can help reduce both moisture and mold.

In case of widespread mold or if you are having difficulties in tackling the issue on your own, please consult a qualified expert for professional assistance.

Comprehensive remedy of mold issues at home

BIOCLIMA® ClimaRoof® is a comprehensive lightweight, thermal & water insulation system for flat roofs (terraces). It is the outcome of the collaboration between 2 leading construction material manufacturers: KRAFT Paints & FIBRAN.

BIOCLIMA® ClimaRoof® consists of specific series of thermal insulation, adhesion and sealing product layers. These are applied in sequence on building terraces, offering proven thermal & water shielding. They offer a multitude of benefits: protection against humidity due to water vapour condensation, and control of issues such as mold, black staining, and local black spots on ceiling and the walls around the terrace.

The system constitutes an innovative solution for terraces, as it constitutes an optimal combination of the following 4 main attributes:

1. Construction thermal insulation using FIBRAN extruded polystyrene thermal insulation boards.

2. Dual water insulation of the structure (in 2 layers: above and below the thermal insulation material), using specially designed single or twin component mortars

3. Low added burden on existing terrace loads (indicatively, 18-20Kg/m2)

4. Ability to create or correct the drain gradients on the surface of the terrace.

BIOCLIMA® ClimaRoof® constitutes an ideal solution for building terraces and, generally, horizontal exterior surfaces in need of thermal / water insulation. Several advantages result from its application, such as:

Thermal comfort throughout the year

The use of branded boards results in highly efficient thermal insulation, resulting in reduction of energy losses and energy savings for building interior heating and cooling.

Excellent dual water insulation

The use of specially designed single or twin component mortars and application before and after the thermal insulation board, ensures excellent water

insulation and long structure life.

This method eliminates possible development of indoor space moisture, resulting in mold and black staining appearing on ceilings.

Healthy Microclimate

Through the BIOCLIMA® ClimaRoof® certified energy upgrade system for roofs and the resulting elimination of effects detrimental for human health such as mold and moisture, the spaces located below the installed system enjoy ideal interior comfort. Occupants of these spaces benefit from a healthy environment; this is even more important for residences that accommodate families with younger children, the latter particularly in need of special care for their living space.

Excellent adhesion

The BIOCLIMA® ClimaRoof® system offers excellent adhesion virtually on every solid and clean terrace surface. This implies that application of the system brings several benefits, without requiring particularly demanding conditions for its application.

Water - permeable

The system ensures high water permeability, combined with considerable water repellence.


The system offers high mechanical resistance and satisfactory access. Moreover, it protects load bearing elements from temperature stresses. In other words, in addition to protecting against mold and humidity in the cold months of the year, the system also offers a range of advantages such as resilience, thermal insulation and solar radiance reflection. Hence, occupants enjoy energy savings and cooling of areas located below terraces protected by BIOCLIMA® ClimaRoof® certified energy upgrade building systems.