Everything you need to know about the new “Exoikonomo-Epixeiro” programme

Energy-Saving programs 08 April 2024
energy saving

Peak subsidy amount, eligible expenses, businesses that can be admitted to the programme as well as external thermal insulation solutions that will enable buildings for taking a major step towards green transition.

A large number of commercial buildings in Greece were constructed several decades ago. Some of them even before 1980.

Most of these buildings were not ever renovated. For this reason they are burdened with increased energy costs, in addition being more vulnerable to adverse weather conditions and the climate change. In this context, financial factors and the greater objective of being sustainable, are the motives for setting energy saving and pollution reduction aims, to achieve cost saving and to contribute to a greener planet.

This rationale gave birth to the new “Exoikonomo-Epixeiro” programme. It focuses on improving the energy efficiency of businesses that operate in the tertiary economy sector (Commerce, Services, Tourism), all over Greece.

This is a green transition programme of major importance, as it will be funded with approximately 176 million Euro, the percentage of subsidy through the programme reaching up to 65% of total expenditure. (The actual sum to be disbursed will depend on the type of expenditure as well as business size; these attributes will also determine the total subsidy amount).

The subsidized budget (public expenditure and private participation excl. VAT) reaches 500 thousand Euro for tourism and 250 thousand Euro for the commerce and services sectors; this means in practice that any company may receive subsidies to 300 thousand Euro and above, to make a decisive step towards the green transition!

Conditions for participating in the programme

The programme is open to business entities from the Commerce, Services and Tourism sectors. Regarding businesses from the tourism sector in particular, eligible are hotel accommodation facilities acting as primary or non - primary activities, lawfully operating in the Greek territory, irrespective of star classification or/and keys, whose capacity may not exceed 200 beds. These businesses can be hotels, room rental / furnished apartment lessors and camping facilities.

The following are the fundamental terms for a business to participate in the programme:

  • Lawfully in business; suitable licensing evidence should be presented
  • Active in Greece
  • The business may not be in a malfunctioning state. In case of associated businesses, the applicant should declare that the combined establishment is also non - malfunctioning
  • At the time of submittal of investment plan application, there may not be a pending process for reclaiming support grants against the business in question (the Deggendorf principle)
  • A single (1) investment proposal per VAT number may only be submitted for this programme
  • By an appropriate Solemn Statement, the applicant should commit that the expenses included in the specific funding application are not financed, admitted or will be submitted for financing approval, by any other programme financed by national or Community funds.
  • The business should operate suitable assets, or the business should commit - through appropriate Solemn Statement - that until the programme is completed, they will see to the provision of suitable infrastructure and services for the disabled, in order to minimize obstructions and to facilitate access to such infrastructure by disabled persons, where necessary.

Works to be subsidized

Generally, subsidies cover energy upgrade of buildings; energy upgrade of production processes; heat recovery systems within the framework of production processes; installation of smart energy systems; electric distribution vehicles; and other associated actions.

Specifically, beneficiaries will receive financial support for the implementation of interventions relating to the following: Building shell energy upgrade (e.g. thermal insulation, shading systems installation), energy saving in space heating systems (replacing boilers by heat pumps) as well as space cooling systems (replacement of chillers), space ventilation, domestic hot water, replacement of energy - intensive equipment in processes relevant to the production of services provided (e.g. ovens, refrigerators and more.

Lastly, the programme shall subsidize interventions for lighting system energy upgrade, both internal and external, i.e. Replacement of existing lighting fixtures by new LED units, installation of automation devices to link artificial to natural lighting; installation of automatic devices to reduce power consumption when tenants are present in premises or not; and more.

Savings start with thermal insulation

As noted above, the programme’s eligible expenses include external thermal insulation, a fundamental step towards the green transition. Thermal insulation to save energy and cost, improving comfort in the building, offering freshness in the summer and heat in the winter.

BIOCLIMA®, under the KRAFT Paints assurance, offers Integrated external thermal insulation systems especially for the “Exoikonomo-Epixeiro” programme. These are tailored to the Greek climate conditions; they are CE-marked and fully meet the requirements of the programme. BIOCLIMA ClimaWall systems represent an ideal solution for hotel, office or merchant business spaces. Being flexible and customizable, they can be installed in any home, irrespective of age, location or other particular attributes.

These are Certified Advanced Energy Building Systems intended for installation on masonry, designed for the Hellenic environment, being rich in microclimates and a multitude of architectural traditions. External thermal insulation is essentially the first step towards handling the difficulties of climate change and to ensure a more habitable environment.

In fact, with the cost of operations subsidized under the “Exoikonomo-Epixeiro” programme to a rate that can be as high as 65% of the total budget, external thermal insulation using BIOCLIMA ClimaWall system becomes the natural option. Adding the virtually unlimited range of KRAFT Paints shades for all building surfaces, as well as all ancillary products (sealants, repair products, microcement etc.), it becomes evident that KRAFT Paints and the “Exoikonomo-Epixeiro” programme are the ideal combination that really makes a difference.

Useful Details

The programme has been launched, and applications can be submitted until April 15, Απριλίου 2024 (18:00). All applications are submitted via https://exoikonomoepixeiro.energy-invest.gov.gr/ Use the same link to find detailed information and to find responses to all your queries; This is the place to also find answers to frequently asked questions.

For a business to be annexed under the programme, the building should be owned, or granted for use, or leased or under lawful usufruct regime for a period of eight (8) years from the date of commencement of application submittal; furthermore the building owner should present a Solemn Statement stating that: (A) the owner acknowledges and agrees with proposal submittal by the prospective beneficiary; (B) the owners consents to have the proposed works implemented for the purpose of energy efficiency improvement.

Businesses can have the following legal format: Α.Ε., Ε.Π.Ε., Ο.Ε., Ε.Ε., Ι.Κ.Ε. Under the Greek Law; or they can be individual entrepreneurs, cooperatives or social cooperative enterprises under Law 4019/2011 as it stands; not-for-profit institutions or organizations for the benefit of the community; also they should keep simple - record or dual - record accounting books as provided under Law 4308/2014.

Expenses not directly linked to the achievement of higher energy classification are not eligible; examples are the replacement of burners and boilers by other burners and boilers fired by fossil fuels; maintenance operations; mobile non - permanent assets (e.g. drapes or interior sun blinds); or employer contributions for construction works, or expenses relating to customs duties or dues.