Everything you need to know about external thermal insulation!

Why now external thermal insulation; your benefits; what to look for so that your investment is beneficial for your wallet and the environment.
External thermal insulation is a construction operation relating to exterior house walls. It includes the installation of thermal insulation panels on exterior walls by specialized technicians. Through a process requiring combined expertise by the producer of the materials and by the fitter as well, technicians apply special materials and coatings that prevent thermal losses from the interior, at the same time shielding the building against wind, cold and heat. This results in modern homes with a pleasant ambience, protected against extreme interior temperature variations.
Thermal insulation can be applied to old or new buildings; however it makes real difference in houses built in past decades which are undergoing renovation. In fact, one might argue that thermal insulation is an essential constituent of any meaningful renovation.
We should explain that thermal insulation represent exterior processes, as opposed to interior thermal insulation, which is the old upgrade model and includes the installation of insulating materials on inner surface of vertical walls. beams, pillars; and on building ceilings. Interior thermal insulation is certainly beneficial; however it is no match to exterior thermal insulation. Hence, references to thermal insulation in this article, only imply external thermal insulation.