BIOCLIMA® and KRAFT Paints have the solution for the energy upgrade of buildings

News 07 June 2023

BIOCLIMA®, by KRAFT Paints, a member of the Druckfarben Group, is the 1st Greek Company for the Production of Paints & Building Materials that has been offering Certified Advanced Energy Building Systems for walls and roofs to the market for over 12 years, ensuring up to 65% Energy Savings!

These systems are specially designed for the climate of Greece and include 2 main categories: ClimaWall® Certified External Thermal Insulation Systems and ClimaRoof® Lightweight, Thermal & Water Insulation Systems.

In Greece, the key directions of EU policy have been incorporated into the National Energy & Climate Plan Plan (NECP), which serves as the country's primary tool for energy policy.

Due to the significant participation of the building sector (41%) in total energy consumption, energy interventions in constructions will help the country meet energy targets within the broader European policy against climate change until 2030, and in the long term until 2050.

The most significant energy losses in a typical residence occur through walls and the roof. Insulating them is one of the most efficient interventions in a building. In Greece, the majority of buildings, around 55%, are over 40 years old, resulting in almost complete lack of insulation, as there were no corresponding mandatory regulations until then.

The overall building protection provided by BIOCLIMA® Systems entails many direct and indirect benefits:

  • Up to 65% energy savings
  • Modern aesthetic upgrade for the building
  • Creation of comfortable living spaces and well-being
  • Improvement of the property's lifespan and value
  • Rapid capital investment payback
  • Participation in energy upgrade programs for existing buildings with subsidies (e.g., the "New Saving" Program of the Ministry of Environment and Energy)

Additionally, there is the option to upgrade a residence without a thermal insulation system by using special paints that contribute to the energy upgrade of buildings through the reflectivity of solar radiation. Specifically, each shade of the 4 Seasons™ exterior wall paint series from KRAFT Paints is characterized by its Total Solar Reflectance (TSR), which is the percentage of solar radiation reflected by a surface across the entire spectrum of light (UV, visible, infrared).

This measurement requires accredited laboratories and special equipment. KRAFT Paints, in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens, conducted measurements according to international measurement standards for the TSR value in the 185 shades of the KRAFT REFLECTIVE COLLECTION fandeck.

Furthermore, each product in the 4 Seasons™ exterior wall paint series, as a certified cool paint (material that uses technology to reduce thermal loads in buildings by reflecting solar radiation before it is absorbed), achieves a significant reduction in surface temperatures during summer, improving energy consumption and upgrading the building's value.

For any need, BIOCLIMA® and KRAFT Paints have the solution!